Proton-Promotion Price List

The latest update prices for all Proton Car Models . New Proton Ertiga, Proton Iriz, Suprima, Preve, Exora, Persona, Proton Perdana and New Saga.


  1. Do you need Personal Loan?
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    Contact Us At
    Phone number :+16474864724 (Whatsapp Only)

    *Commercial Loans.
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    *Construction loans.
    *Credit Card Clearance Loan
    *Debt Consolidation Loan
    *Business Loans And many More:

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    Contact Us At
    Phone number :+16474864724 (Whatsapp Only)


  2. Do you need Personal Loan?
    Business Cash Loan?
    Unsecured Loan
    Fast and Simple Loan?
    Quick Application Process?
    Approvals within 24-72 Hours?
    No Hidden Fees Loan?
    Funding in less than 1 Week?
    Get unsecured working capital?
    Contact Us At
    Phone number :+16474864724 (Whatsapp Only)

    *Commercial Loans.
    *Personal Loans.
    *Business Loans.
    *Investments Loans.
    *Development Loans.
    *Acquisition Loans .
    *Construction loans.
    *Credit Card Clearance Loan
    *Debt Consolidation Loan
    *Business Loans And many More:

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    Contact Us At
    Phone number :+16474864724 (Whatsapp Only)


    1. Do you need a Loan? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for a Loan to enlarge your business? I think you have come to the right place. We offer Loans at low interest rate. Interested people should please contact us on For immediate response to your application, Kindly reply to this emails below only Call/Whats app (+917303326479)

  3. Do you need Finance?
    Are you looking for Finance?
    Are you looking for a money to enlarge your business?
    We help individuals and companies to obtain loan for business
    expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get a loan at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this cash/loan for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via

  4. Do you need Finance?
    Are you looking for Finance?
    Are you looking for a money to enlarge your business?
    We help individuals and companies to obtain loan for business
    expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get a loan at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this cash/loan for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via

  5. Do you need Personal Loan?
    Business Cash Loan?
    Unsecured Loan
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    Approvals within 24-72 Hours?
    No Hidden Fees Loan?
    Funding in less than 1 Week?
    Get unsecured working capital?
    Contact Us At
    Phone number :+15165910949 (Whatsapp Only)

    *Commercial Loans.
    *Personal Loans.
    *Business Loans.
    *Investments Loans.
    *Development Loans.
    *Acquisition Loans .
    *Construction loans.
    *Credit Card Clearance Loan
    *Debt Consolidation Loan
    *Business Loans And many More:

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    Contact Us At
    Phone number :For call or watssap us +447466664533

  6. We provide personal loans for debt consolidation, bad credit loans, unsecured loans, loans for bad credit and instant secured loans with cheap rates Do you have a firm or company that need loan to start up a business or need,personal loan, Debt consolidation? For more information. We will provide you with loan to meet your needs. For more information contact
    For call or watssap us (+44)7466-664533

  7. Do you need a genuine Loan to settle your bills and startup
    business? contact us now with your details to get a good
    Loan at a low rate of 3% per Annual email us:
    Do you need Personal Finance?
    Business Cash Finance?
    Unsecured Finance
    Fast and Simple Finance?
    Quick Application Process?
    Finance. Services Rendered include,
    *Debt Consolidation Finance
    *Business Finance Services
    Please write back if interested with our interest rate
    Whats App +918929593217

  8. Hi Viewers Get your Blank ATM card that works in all ATM machines all over the world.. We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $1,000 on ATM and up to $20,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card you order for, we are here for you anytime, any day. Email; ( I'm grateful to Mike because he changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except, contact him now (


  9. Are you in need of a loan?
    Do you want to pay off your bills?
    Do you want to be financially stable?
    All you have to do is to contact us for
    more information on how to get
    started and get the loan you desire.
    This offer is open to all that will be
    able to repay back in due time.
    Note-that repayment time frame is negotiable
    and at interest rate of3% just email us:
    Email us:
    Call or add us on what's app +44-7424223395

  10. J'ai découvert une prêteuse particulière qui m'a fais ce prêt de 56.000 €.
    si vous aviez besoin d'un prêt veuillez la contacter.

    Bonjour moi on m'appelle ROUSIE David Antonin je vie en Lacuisine
    en Belgique âgée de 49 ans, J'exerce comme fonction: Déléguée Médicale je suis tomber sur un Raphaël APELBAUM qui voulait me octroyer un prêt mais il me demande des frais je lii et répondu non il ma dit qui prenne les frais de charge il me demandez de payer 782 euros .
    Je vous propose de lire ou de devinez ce qui se passe dans ma tête quand je vois ses frais .
    surtout en ce période de confinement ou c'est la galère au niveau pécune ????
    Je suis à la retraite et j'ai une pension de 1006euros , faite le calcul et dites moi combien il va me rester si je lui donne 792 euros , j'ai une femme ,un loyer , une voiture des frais mensuels
    Pouvez -vous vivre avec 214 euros ,parce que je pense que ce ne sont pas les seuls frais ,il y en aura après .
    j'ai doute et surtout quand j'ai recu un appel d'une personne avec un fort accent africain me demandant de faire tous de suite le mandat.
    Je ne vais relever toutes les inepties de ce message, les innombrables fautes d'orthographe qu'un médecin, même à la retraite, ne ferait pas, et toutes les incohérences qui prouvent que l'on est en présence d'une arnaque.
    Inutile de dire aussi que l'adresse semble fausse, et les recherches pour trouver cette personne ont été vaines.
    Le principe de l'arnaque est simple : mener la victime jusqu'à l'accord de l'obtention de son prêt, et lui demander de payer des frais de déblocage qu'elle devra envoyer au Bénin par Western Union, car la charmante dame à la retraite est partie entre temps en vacances en Afrique...
    Souhaitons que ces informations évitent à certains de se faire arnaquer par cet escroc

    le jeudi passé ma belle soeur m'appel qu'elle a reçu un prêt chez une Prêteuse qu'elle voulait acheter une terrain donc elle a reçu son prêt et elle m'a proposé Madame Samya GUENFOUDI une prêteurs particulier.
    C'est ainsi que son mail :
    J'ai décidé d'aller vers lui j'ai pris note du mail dans la soiré j'ai fait ma demande je lui est exposée mon cas j'ai confiance en elle parce que tant que ma belle soeur a reçu son prêt moi aussi j'aurais mon prêt.

    Et évidemment j'ai reçu mon prêt.

    C’est avec Mme Samya GUENFOUDI que la vie nous sourit à nouveau ma femme adorée et moi ,c’est une dame de cœur simple et fiable ,je vous en prie de prendre contact avec Mme Samya GUENFOUDI a son adresse mail qui est :

    Grâce a ma belle soeur , aujourd'hui j'ai reçu mon prêt.

    MERCI Merci ma belle soeur.

    You can access our Credit/funding facilities from Any location in the world.
    Reply for more information about our credit offer via Email:

    Are you frustrated or tired of seeking Financial assistance from Bank and different financial organization, have you encountered company with unsatisfied financial services?
    Here is your chance to secure fast and genuine money lending at a very low interest rate. For more information,

    We offer the right solution to your financial needs.We stand apart from other lenders because we believe in customer service, and we stay with you until you get the results you want.In general we offer home finances,car finances,commercial finances,business finances,e.t.c, at lower interest rate of 3%.
    We provide our prospective customer long lasting financial solutions that helps their companies thrive and grow"and also help them to invest and clear you existing debts. Email:
    Contact us now for more information.

    We are financial builders and we give out loan to everyone ranging from personal, commercial, business financial with our amounts ranging from min 2,000.00 to 1,000,000.00 with a fixed and very low interest rate of 3%. Do you want to own a company? Do you want to own a Home? Is Your Company having financial problem? Do you have a contract/project and need money to fund it? Apply for a financial today and get financed within 3-4 working
    Phone number :+1 516-591-0949 (Whatsapp Only)

    Do you need a Loan?
    Are you looking for Finance?
    Are you looking for a Loan to enlarge your business?
    I think you have come to the right place.
    We offer Loans atlow interest rate.
    Interested people should please contact us on
    For immediate response to your application, Kindly
    reply to this email:
    Phone number :+1 516-591-0949 (Whatsapp Only)

    Do you need Personal Loan?
    Business Cash Loan?
    Unsecured Loan
    Fast and Simple Loan?
    Quick Application Process?
    Approvals within 24-72 Hours?
    No Hidden Fees Loan?
    Funding in less than 1 Week?
    Get unsecured working capital?
    Contact Us At :
    Phone number :+1 516-591-0949 (Whatsapp Only)

    *Commercial Loans.
    *Personal Loans.
    *Business Loans.
    *Investments Loans.
    *Development Loans.
    *Acquisition Loans .
    *Construction loans.
    *Credit Card Clearance Loan
    *Debt Consolidation Loan
    *Business Loans And many More:

    Full Name:................
    Loan Amount Needed:.
    Purpose of loan:.......
    Loan Duration:..
    Marital status:....
    Home Address:..
    Mobile / Cell:....
    Monthly Income:....

    Contact Us At :
    Phone number :+1 516-591-0949 (Whatsapp Only)


  12. Hello, I am Mohammedi Miah by name and I want to testify to a good lender who has loaned me a loan of $490,000.00, after being cheated by several international internet financiers, everyone promises to give me a loan after I have been forced to pay a lot of costs that are worthless or a loan Loan No positive result. Until I met a witness who was also scammed and eventually connected to a legitimate loan company called Clem Alpha Finance Company Limited, where he finally got his loan, so I decided to contact him Loan Company and all they assured me was that I would not cry more because I would get my loan from their company and I would follow them when they reported my surprise. They gave me a loan of $490,000.00 For more information about their services Email:


    Coronavirus.Le témoignage d’une aide-soignante

    Je n’écris pas souvent mais aujourd'hui j’ai envie de parler de ce que je vis quotidiennement et que peu de personnes peuvent vraiment comprendre..." Anne-Virginie DENIMAL, 37 ans, Je suis aide-soignante depuis 10 ans, Je travaille dans un EHPAD
    Nous tenions à partager ici son témoignage.

    Je suis Anne-Virginie DENIMAL, aide soignant et j'ai une fille de 10 ans .
    Ayant perdu mon travail, depuis janvier 2020 je me suis mis à puiser dans mes économies jusqu'à ce qu'il ne me restait plus grand chose.
    La crainte commencait à m'envahir.
    À chaque fois qu'une entrevue d'embauche se passait bien, je n'étais pas rappelé et quand j'essayais d'entrer en contact avec l'entreprise, on me disait qu'on ne peut plus donner suite parce qu'il y a gel d'embauche (cela s'est reproduit deux fois qui plus est, là où où je voulais vraiment être embauché). Même si c'était pénible, je me suis dit que non seulement DIEU.

    Le plus pire j'ai attrapé le virus covid 19 je suis allez a hôpital pour suivez les consignes à tenir contre cette maladie mais je me suis accroché aux Promesses de DIEU ?

    Dieu merci je sur vite rétablir et je suis rentré chez moi

    Alore que j'avais une crédit en cour si le crédit m'intéresse j'avais vraiment besoin
    J'ai trouvée un prêt d'argent entre particulier de 84 000 euros auprès de Mr SOTHA STÉPHANE TANG et je pense poster un témoignage sur ce site pour vous aider aussi à trouver le bon chemin. Vous pouvez aussi faire une demande de prêt et trouvez sans souci EN FRANCE ici et il fait le virement en express c'est-à-dire vous touchez vos fonds immédiatement après l'envoi. Voici donc son e-mail pour des renseignements:

  14. Hello Everybody,
    My name is Ahmad Asnul Brunei, I contacted Mr. Alpha Loan Firm for a business loan amount of $250,000, Then i was told about the step of approving my requested loan amount, after taking the risk again because i was so much desperate of setting up a business to my greatest surprise, the loan amount was credited to my bank account within 24 banking hours without any stress of getting my loan. I was surprise because i was first fall a victim of scam! If you are interested of securing any loan amount & you are located in any country, I'll advise you can contact Mr. Alpha Loan Firm via Email call or add us on what's app+91-9818603391 Contact Us At :

  15. Are you in need of Urgent Loan Here no collateral required all problem regarding Loan is solve between a short period of time with a low interest rate of 2% and duration more than 20 years what are you waiting for apply now and solve your problem or start a business with Loan paying of various bills You have come to the right place just contact us
    whatspp Number +918929490461
    Mr Abdullah Ibrahim

  16. Good day Sir/Madam,

    This message is to inform you that MIKE MORGAN LOAN FINANCIER offer all types of L0ANS @ 3% annual rate. Are you in need of financing of any type? Business, Mortgage, Personal etc. Any interested Applicants should get back to US VIA
    Call or add us on what's App +91-7428831341


    Commercial Loans
    Personal Loans
    Business Loans
    Investments Loans
    Development Loans
    Acquisition Loans
    Construction loans
    Business Loans And many More:
    Call or add us on what's app +91-9818603391
    Contact Us At :
    Mr.Clem Alpha

  18. Life is always beautiful when you are with the true person you love. For almost a year my lover had broke up with me and i was lonely and sad luckily i was directed to a very kind and a great spell caster Dr Qasim who helped me to bring back my lover to me and also caster a lotto spell for me and today i am with him now and happy together and am very grateful for what you have done for me Dr Qasim Email him via or WhatsApp number +917428728539

  19. We are a direct financier that has helped many international businesses across the globe with immense satisfaction in lines of credit facilities. We deliver a unique, expert and confidential service and assure excellence, financial supremacy and efficiency for our Clients.

    Our platform is open to both individuals and corporate entities. If you have needs for funds for International project funding or any business deal pending in hand and your BANK rejected to fund, Triumphant Finance Company LTD can help you fund your project or close your business deal within 72 working hours.

    Send us your application today via Email ( to discuss your scenario and to learn more details about our transaction procedure, terms and conditions.

    Note: We accept application from ONLY serious business owners’ applicants/borrowers and certified intermediaries with good proposals, valuable businesses, and viable projects seeking for funds to invest in a profitable business project.

  20. Good day Sir/Madam,

    This message is to inform you that MIKE MORGAN LOAN FINANCIER offer all types of L0ANS @ 3% annual rate. Are you in need of financing of any type? Business, Mortgage, Personal etc. Any interested Applicants should get back to US VIA
    Call or add us on what's App +91-7428831341

  21. Dear Sir/Madam,
    We provide personal loans for debt consolidation, bad credit loans, unsecured loans, loans for bad credit and instant secured loans with cheap rates Do you have a firm or company that need loan to start up a business or need, personal loan, Debt consolidation?We offer the following loans to individuals-
    *Commercial Loans.
    *Personal Loans.
    *Business Loans.
    *Investments Loans.
    *Development Loans.
    *Acquisition Loans .
    *Construction loans.
    *Business Loans And many More:
    and many more at 3% interest rate. For more
    Whats-App no +919667837169
    Dr. Mark Thomas

  22. Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get finance at affordable interest rate of 3%, Do you need this finance for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now for more information contact us now via ( whats-App +918929509036 Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Thanks


  23. Do you need Finance?
    Are you looking for Finance?
    Are you looking for a money to enlarge your business?
    We help individuals and companies to obtain loan for business
    expanding and to setup a new business ranging any amount. Get a
    loan at affordable interest rate of 2%, Do you need this cash/loan
    for business and to clear your bills? Then send us an email now
    for more information Contact Us At :(
    whatspp Number +447448521995

  24. Pour remédier aux préjudices financiers subis sur internet, l'Organisme International de Répression Contre la Cybercriminalité et la Brigade d'enquêtes sur les fraudes aux technologies de l’information créés par les pouvoirs publics et en collaboration par Interpol mondial sont à la disposition de toute personne victime de toutes formes d'escroquerie sur internet. Contactez-nous directement à l'adresse suivante: /

    Votre plainte sera immédiatement prise en compte par nos experts et une procédure sera mise en œuvre de l'arrestation jusqu'au remboursement de la somme arnaquée y compris le dédommagement dans certains cas.

  25. Merci encore pour tout l'accompagnement que vous nous proposez.

    Mail :


  26. Get loan and a credit of 2% from € 5,000 to € 20,000,000 for 1 year to 30 years. Contact us to find out more. email: whats app: +918130061433

  27. Email :

    Vous êtes à la recherche de financement pour relancer vos activités ou réaliser un projet ou autres raisons ? Nous vous offrons des prêts personnels et des prêts professionnels afin de vous donner la possibilité de réaliser chacun de vos projets. Nos prêts sont rapides et sécurisés et avec un taux abordable de 3%. Si vous avez contracté plusieurs crédits, sachez que nous avons la possibilité de vous offrir des rachats de crédits.

    Que vous soyez propriétaires, locataires, fonctionnaires, retraités, salariés, cadres ou non-cadres, professions libérales ou artisans contactez-nous par mail : pour plus de renseignements et pour votre satisfaction.

    Mail à contacter :
